Bruce Ballister, author of Dreamland Diaries series will visit the Carrabelle branch of FCPL on Thursday, August 13th during our monthly Book Social. Bruce will talk about his newest book, “Orion’s Light” which is the third part in the Dreamland Diaries series.
The event will begin at 5:30 pm and last until 7:00 pm. Light snacks and refreshments will be served for your enjoyment.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
If you have not stopped into the Eastpoint Branch lately, you won’t know about our latest arrival… the Krayola Kiosk! This is a free-standing kiosk that hold two iPads for children. This has been a hit with the children and the parents, as the kids learn how to sort, draw, hear a story, play, and learn all at the same time. It is simple and easy for anyone and the headphones allow the user to hear a story read to them. We were able to purchase this kiosk as part of the Innovation Grant received from Public Library Access Network and the Friends of Franklin County Public Library. Use of this kiosk is available during library hours. We are so excited to see children read and learn new technology. The parents are able to see that the hands of their children can easily maneuver through the apps.
If you have a child who might like to come to our “Appy Hour” we would love to see you join us. For more information or details please call 850-670-8151 or 850-697-2366.
Something just for our 8 to 12 year old library loving readers! Both Carrabelle and Eastpoint have a special display of books that are wrapped and have a mask on the paper. These specially selected book are for juvenile readers who may need a little incentive to read this summer. Inside each of these is either a coupon or gift card to Subway. All you need to do is check out one of these special books and take it home.
We want to hear how much you liked the book, when you write a mini-review for our Summer Reading program. When you bring your review back to the library, you place it in our special box with your name and phone number and your choice of prize you would like to win!
If you haven’t been following, we have prizes for anyone wishing to enter our Summer Reading challenge. We have some really great prizes for all age groups.
Don’t miss out on this newest program at your library. We look forward to seeing you!

The final week of Franklin County Public Library’s Summer Reading “Unmask” and “Every Hero Has a Story” proved to be a blast for the children. Each child made a cape and mask while they decided what their “superpowers” could do in our community. We also encouraged all readers of every age to participate in our “Summer Reading Review” that anyone of any age could enter. The staff was pleased to see so many happy patrons when they received a reward for reading! Can’t wait for next year’s program!

It is hard to believe that we are already in Week 4 of our “Every Hero Has a Story” Summer Reading Program! Children will be learning about some of the historic heroes including Rosa Parks and Abraham Lincoln. Children are never too young to hear the story of how we have made strides in the United States to insure equal rights. Ms. Maureen will be making this week a fun time too.
Make sure to be there for some interesting and fun events at your library!
Any questions, please call the Eastpoint Branch at 850-670-8151 or the Carrabelle Branch at 850-697-2366

Dr. Seuss continues to be a hit with the children and parents who participated in library program “Appy Hour” at the Eastpoint Branch! The children used the library Ipads to explore the Dr. Seuss apps including the favorite, The Cat in the Hat. This was a fun learning experience and offers a new way to learn. Every month, we will explore different uses of the Ipads including sorting, math, drawing, and of course reading! It is a free program, and Ipads are available to check out for the program. We hope that more families will come to visit us this Summer to become involved in their community libraries both in Eastpoint and Carrabelle.

The next Appy Hour will be Wednesday, August 5, 2015 from 3:30 – 4:30 pm. We will be drawing using the Ipad and exploring Mo Willems books. Who is Mo Willems? He is author who wrote some favorite books like ” Pigeon Takes a Bath” and books about Elephant and Piggy. Don’t miss out on the fun.

Week three of Summer Reading will be all about Folk Heroes in the stories passed down through the years! Many little children have never heard about folk tales and how the art of storytelling has been a great art! Ms. Maureen has some great stories and activities this week for children ages 2 to 7.
Because of the Independence Day Holiday, Week 3 will be at the Carrabelle Branch only on Thursday, July 2nd at 10:00am!
Don’t miss out on the fun.
Children will be inspired when they get a Field Trip to the Eastpoint Fire Station and when the Carrabelle Fire Department bring a truck to the library! Next week, on Thursday, June 25th and Friday, June 26th, the focus will be on the fire superheroes of our community. Fire safety can be taught to small children in a fun way, and offer the respect for these men and women who volunteer to help others. We hope that if you have signed up your child for this program you are enjoying this year’s program. Check at both library branches if there might still be openings to get your child involved in a program at either Carrabelle or Eastpoint.

Summer is in full swing and the staff has been eagerly preparing for another Super program for the Franklin County families! This year is all about Super heroes and not just the masked kind. There are super heroes in the community who do not receive recognition for all that they do to protect and help us. Beginning next week, our programs begin at both branches!

Carrabelle Branch: Thursday, June 18th 10:00 – 11:30 am
WEEK 1 Community Heroes
Guest will tell children all about sea turtles and how the volunteers work to help them! Fun turtle Crafts and stories!
What makes someone a superhero? Do they help others? Are they brave? Do they try to make the world a better place?
Eastpoint Branch: Friday, June 19th 3:30 – 5:00pm

Friends of the Franklin County Public Library had a wonderful array of books to be sold at the Eastpoint Library on Saturday, January 31st. Soups and breads were available for purchase to everyone who came and enjoyed a fun-filled day at the library. Musical group, Hungrytown played some beautiful folk music while patrons browsed at the great selection of books. It was a “SUPER” event! The library wishes to thank all the Friends of the Library who volunteered to make it such a huge success!
Carrabelle can look forward to their “Souper Bread and Book Sale” being held on Saturday, February 21st, 2015

beginning at 11:00 until the library closes at 2:00 pm. Come and enjoy local soups and breads donated by our library fans. Books for sale can be purchased separately, or by the bag full. It is sure to be a fun day at the library. All proceeds go to the Friends of the Franklin County Public Library serving both Eastpoint and Carrabelle!

The Eastpoint Branch of Franklin County Public Library is excited to welcome author, Ric Hunter who will be discussing his book “Firehammer.”
Hunter is a retired Air Force colonel, fighter pilot and author of the historical fiction novel, FIREHAMMER. The book is based on a true story, but is not a wartime memoir and is not self-published. It is the story of a teenage friendship with a marine, Tim, pictured on the cover, his death from an North Vietnamese Army sniper, and a young fighter pilot’s arrival in Thailand some nine years later to even the score with the North Vietnamese Army.
He subsequently lead a mission against the Cambodian Khmer Rouge (of Killing Fields fame) that is called the last battle of Vietnam. That battle put the last 41 names on the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial.
FIREHAMMER was recently nominated for a Pulitzer prize in 2015 and has won several awards. The author has developed a Power Point presentation that is entitled: “Come Fly With Me; The F-4 Phantom II and the Last Battle of Vietnam.” This will be shown Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 at 6:30 pm. Of course this is a free event, and the author will have books available for sale. Light refreshments will be served.

Come to the Franklin County Public Library and learn some basic self defense techniques with our local law enforcement official, Bud Dasher. It will be informative and fun to see that we can defend ourselves with some common sense moves that might be a lifesaver! On Tuesday, February 10th at the Eastpoint Branch from 1:30 – 2:30 and on Tuesday, February 17th, from 1:30 – 2:30, at the Carrabelle Branch.
We look forward to seeing you!
Souper Bread and Book Sale Eastpoint
Looking for some homemade soup for these cold January days? Look no further than your local library! On Saturday, January 31st, 2015, The Friends of Franklin County Public Library will be having a “Souper Bread and Book Sale” at the Eastpoint Branch beginning at 11:00 am. Donated books, homemade soups, and breads will be sold all to benefit the non-profit organization, who love the library.
It should be a fun family event! At 1:00 pm, we will be hosting a folk group “Hungrytown” for your listening pleasure. This is a free event and we will be offering refreshments for all attendees. Don’t miss this terrific library event!