Arghhhhhh! Aye, Aye Matey! So you say you want to learn how to speak “Pirate?” How about learning some swashbuckling skills? Guest appearances by two pirates at the Mommy & Me Story time will be coming to the Eastpoint Library on Friday, November 14th at 3:30! Won’t you join us for the pirate fun?
The ages range from birth to 7 and of course the caregivers love this opportunity to meet other parents!
There will even be a treasure hunt!
The Carrabelle Branch staff is busily preparing for the newly formed group who are having the very first meeting, next Thursday, October 23rd at 2:00pm to 3:30! The participants are senior adults who may have grown up in the south or transplanted to the south who have great memories from their childhood. The subject of this first meeting will be childhood favorite books and toys! The Franklin County Public Library has a small collection of antique books and will display them for the participants. We hope that everyone will bring either a favorite childhood book or toy for a”Show and Tell” time. We will be breaking out some old record albums for easy listening and a fun-filled afternoon. Please join us for the first event! If you have any questions you may call the Carrabelle Branch at 850-697-2366.